Tailor Care commenced trading in June 2018 as a temporary staffing agency, providing quality staff to CQC registered services to support adults with learning disabilities and nursing homes.
In September 2020 Tailor Care commenced registration with CQC focusing solely on Domicillary care in the Hampshire area. Priding ourselves on a person-centred approach we support indivudals within their own homes providing a service around every day living and health needs, as set out in the indivudals care plan. With fully trained and carefully vetted support workers we aim to provide an outstanding service.
The Agency aims to offer skilled care to enable people supported by us to achieve their optimum state of health and well-being.
*Treat all people supported by us and all
people who work here with respect at all times. *Uphold the human and citizenship rights of all who work and visit here and of all Service Users. *Support individual choice and personal
decision-making as the right of all Service Users. *Respect and encourage the right of independence of all Service Users. *Recognise the individual uniqueness of Service Users, staff and visitors,
and treat them with dignity and respect at all times. *Respect individual requirement for privacy at all times and treat all information relating to individuals in a confidential manner.
*Recognise the individual need for personal fulfilment and offer individualised programmes of meaningful activity to satisfy that need of Service Users and staff.
We base our care around you as an individual. To help us to do that, we adhere to a set of important principles outlined below. If at any time you have any questions about these, or you feel that someone is not upholding them, please let the Registered Manager know.
TAILOR CARE SOUTHAMPTON LIMITED will do everything possible to keep you safe from all forms of abuse and neglect, working with you and other agencies to prevent avoidable harm. We do this by:
TAILOR CARE SOUTHAMPTON LIMITED has a zero-tolerance approach to all forms
of discrimination and will take action when it is found. Discrimination means being treated unfairly on the grounds of; age, being or becoming a transsexual person, being
married or in a civil partnership, being pregnant or on maternity leave, disability, race including colour, nationality, ethnic or national origin, religion, belief or lack of religion/belief,
sex, sexual orientation or social standing.
We believe in Care that meets your needs because you are involved fully in your Care and its arrangement.
Each Service User is celebrated and supported to be an individual, to have their own social, emotional, spiritual, cultural, political and sexual needs accepted, supported and respected.
The service we provide is effective because:
socially and without unreasonable restrictions
TAILOR CARE SOUTHAMPTON LIMITED promotes a person-centred approach because:
TAILOR CARE SOUTHAMPTON LIMITED is responsive to what we see, hear and know, to ensure that you maintain your health and wellbeing.
TAILOR CARE SOUTHAMPTON LIMITED is a well-led organisation, knowing its responsibilities and carrying them out.
We have a Statement of Purpose which we share with you, please contact us on 023815450008.
The staff allocated to support you will be chosen in accordance with matching their skills with your needs, and also to minimise travelling distances in order to support good time attendance. In addition to the direct support staff, the Registered Manager works 40 hours per week, most of which should be in addition to the levels displayed. In certain circumstances the manager may be included within the staffing levels described. Staffing levels may be changed at the discretion of the Manager if there are particular needs. Care staff work on a rota system that ensures that the service is staffed by the appropriate number and skill mix, including weekends and public holidays. New employees receive a comprehensive company induction in line with Care Certificate Standards before they begin any work alone. Within 12 weeks of employment care workers will receive in depth mandatory training on core subjects as well as being assessed on the Care Certificate Standards. We support our new care workers by taking them out to ‘shadow’ existing staff members completing their visits prior to any lone working. We manage and train our employees with the aim that all of our care workers are offered to achieve a RQF diploma if they do not already have one or equivalent qualification. All other employees receive the training appropriate to their work, for example food hygiene for catering staff. All employees receive annual training in health and safety matters such as moving and handling, fire awareness and procedures, adult protection issues, autism and learning disability awareness as well as a range of other matters]. Our Services
Live in Care, Domiciliary Care, Respite Care, Domestic Support.
We will respect Service Users' privacy at all times. We will do this by making sure that:
Your dignity is a matter of the utmost importance to us and all staff will have received training in this area.
alone or in company
We always aim to provide a high standard of care in all our services.
Our Service Users’ views are important to us and help to ensure that our services are consistently meeting people’s needs. If you are unhappy with any of our services, it is important that you let us know.
If a complaint alerts us to possible abuse or neglect, we will tell the Southampton City Council Adult Safeguarding Team. The Southampton City Council Safeguarding Team
will decide how to investigate and monitor outcomes.
Often people feel more comfortable about suggesting improvements rather than complaining formally. Anyone receiving services, their friends or family, can tell us how we can improve. First, you must speak to Samantha Cole or their Deputy.
If the suggestion is something that TAILOR CARE SOUTHAMPTON LIMITED as a company, needs to consider, you can action it by contacting 02381550008 or by email at southampton@tailorcare.co.uk
TAILOR CARE SOUTHAMPTON LIMITED aims to handle complaints quickly, effectively and in a fair and honest way. We take all complaints seriously and use valuable information from investigating to help us improve the service we provide. We treat all complaints confidentially.
their families that it will not withdraw or reduce services because someone makes a complaint in good faith.
Anyone affected by the way TAILOR CARE SOUTHAMPTON LIMITED provides services can make a complaint. A representative may complain about the affected person if they:
If you are not happy about making a complaint yourself and you do not know someone who can talk to us or write to us on your behal we will be happy to
find someone from an independent organisation to act as an advocate for you.
You can complain:
We will acknowledge all complaints, whether verbally or in
writing, within 3 working days.
We deal with anonymous complaints under the same procedure. However, it is
better if you can provide contact details so that we can tell you the outcome of our investigation.
Samantha Cole has overall responsibility for dealing with all complaints made about their service. We will provide, as far as is reasonably practical:
Samantha Cole may ask one of the management team to investigate the complaint. That person will have enough seniority and experience to deal with the issues raised by the complainant.
We will acknowledge a complaint within 3 working days and give you the name and contact details of the person investigating it. We will keep you informed about the progress of the investigation. We aim to have all complaints finished within 28 working days unless we agree a different time scale with you.
When we have finished investigating, we will arrange to meet with you to discuss the outcome, and write to you with:
You must complain as soon as you can after the date on which the event occurred or came to your notice. If you complain more than twelve months later, we may not be able to investigate properly. But we shall also consider whether you had good reason for not making the complaint sooner and whether, despite the delay, it is still possible to investigate the complaint effectively and fairly. Further Steps
At any stage during the process, if you are not happy with the way the service is dealing with your complaint you can contact Samantha Cole on 02381550008.